Cartoonists Roz Chast, Liana Finck, Liza Donnelly, and Emily Flake

The New Yorker founders Harold Ross and Jane Grant

Ethel Plummer, the fIrst woman cartoonist published in The New Yorker

Cartoonist Barbara Shermund

A cartoon by Barbara Shermund

A cartoon by Barbara Shermund

A cartoon by Barbara Shermund

Cartoonist Helen Hokinson

A cartoon by Helen Hokinson

A cartoon by Helen Hokinson

Cartoonist Mary Petty

A cartoon by Mary Petty

Cartoonist Amy Hwang

Cartoonist Bishakh Som

Cartoonist Liana Fink Credit: M Cooper

Cartoonist Emily Flake credit: Mindy Tucker

Cartoonist Sarah Akinterinwa

Cartoonist Roz Chast

Liza Donnelly and Roz Chast

Roz Chast and Liza Donnelly

Roz Chast and New Yorker Cartoon Editor Emma Allen

Liza Donnelly

Liza Donnelly

New Yorker cartoon editor Emma Allen along with cartoonists Roz Chast, Liza Donnelly, Liana Finck and Amy Hwang on a panel at The New Yorker Festival 2021

A cartoon by Liza Donnelly

A cartoon by Liza Donnelly

A cartoon by Liza Donnelly

A cartoon by Liza Donnelly

A cartoon by Liza Donnelly

A cartoon by Liza Donnelly

Cartoon by Liza Donnelly

Cartoon by Liza Donnelly

Roz Chast, Emma Allen and Liza Donnelly at the Society Of Illustrators in NYC for the opening of the Women On Men exhibition of New Yorker cartoons, 2024

LIza's history of women cartoonists of The New Yorker